Tuesday 19 November 2013


Sometimes you feel happy without any obvious reason.
Sometimes you find yourself smiling without any trace of joy in your surroundings.

It just happens!

Sometimes when you turn the pages of your diary to your past, you can’t control your fingers moving on the words you wrote long time back, and you smile at the memory of those words. You may even sigh. But you smile at how life was. There may be people who you have been trying to get into contact with, and now they are with you, inseparable. There may be people who used to be inseparable, mentioned on every page of your life, but now they are safe in your dreams . The feelings you have when you read those little remarks you have written on the top of the days that made you realize something. How you feel life has moved. It always moves. That is the specialty.

We aren’t nomads, our life is!

And after these speechless moments, how you just rest against your pillow tilting your head back against the wall, closing your eyes and trying to remember one person. But you can’t. You remember everything. You remember the smile of the person who loved you, you remember the moments when someone patted your shoulders in appreciation for the work you have done, you remember that surprise you had never expected, you remember the happiness of receiving parcels, , you remember how you craved to be understood, you remember how some big days turned out to be crap , and vice versa, you remember how once driving with the ear plugs on with ur bestie :) your mood suddenly elated with the song, you remember how you stumbled upon a song someone dedicated especially to you, you remember the times when a novel made you cry, you remember laughing at a horror movie just because you are watching with your friends, you remember the good bye hugs to someone you wanna be with forever, you remember those compliments that made you blush, you remember the nights you cried yourself ,jst  because you were missing someone , you remember how life was when you were not what you are now, you remember ……

You just remember….

Your eyes water… but you don’t cry.,..

You are in the midst of what it might be to feel bliss.

If someone asks you to wish for something, you will be speechless, you feel you have everything.
But then you do want something, but you are speechless because you have everything. Maybe you don’t own it. But you do have it, may be partly, but you feel you are blessed to be full of life. You sit back, staring at the night, the moon, the serenity, and you think nothing.

The mind is calm. The heart is beating. The eyes are closed. The world is new. And so are you!! :)

Thursday 3 October 2013

Conciously unconcious

Slow music, pouring rains, and silence around. My mind is wandering into a totally different place, lost in its own thoughts and ideas. I have loads of work to do, for my own benefit but I don’t care. I want to feel happy, I don’t want to be here at all :( , I want......................................and a long list follows which is in sharp contrast to my reality. That is why I am all lost. Dreaming and aspiring for that day of my dreams to come true ... 

I peek out of the window and I find that the world is still moving at its fast pace. But I feel comfortable here. I don’t want to walk, I don’t want to talk, work, study or anything. Maybe I had enough, maybe I need a break. Images of people, incidences and places flash in my mind for like nanoseconds. I feel so confused that I can’t tell what is going on in my mind at the present moment. I certainly have issues in my life as everyone else does, I have tasks to accomplish, I have good and bad reminiscences and I have them all in my mind.I am sure once I’ll sleep, I’ll wake up in a refreshed and active state of mind. My mind needs rest, and so I have no problem spending time doing nothing, staring into the night sky, the shining stars, thinking how beautiful they are. Then I start thinking of myself as a small unit in the universe, and how my existence here can make some difference to this huge place... 

Maybe I am not lost. :P :P  :)

I am just living in the moment, relaxing myself and realizing at the same time who I am and who I want to be. Tomorrow when I get up ... I promise myself, I will take appropriate actions to reach to my destination. Tomorrow is going to be a great day !

Friday 27 September 2013

make ur life ROCKING :p ;) :D

What if life would have never changed? ??  You would have continually been happy, sad, lazy, angry, or excited. Trust me! Life would have been awe fully monotonous which explains that changes are a must and when they don’t come inadvertently you definitely need to bring a little change in yourself or the way the things are around...

When I was in Mumbai , doing my internship, my environment was totally different from how it is now, here in college. I used to be in a win-win professional attitude, learning a variety of new skills from every other person I met. Now here in college there are no deadlines. No one is working hard for any kind of bonuses or promotions. Rather everyone is enjoying the kind of lives they want and pursuing their own additional interests.  So rather than writing on motivational stuff (which isn’t coming to my head these days) I thought writing about other amazing things in life,  that  would be a great choice.... 
Knowing what interests you is one of the best things that can happen. I have seen many people who do not know what they are passionate about and they always feel lost when they see others doing something good. Music, photography, learning how to cook, painting, working on some kind of project of your own and composing music are a few things that one can do. I picked up learning Spanish and I love it! It’s a whole new experience and being my own teacher feels really  great!
So keep on bringing modifications in your life from time to time to keep it fresh and full of fervour. And if you feel tired of something and have not found out your real interest, go ahead, try-out new things.

Monday 23 September 2013

Happiness is a Choice, So Choose It! :) :D :D

 This is LIFE !!! Hold on tight ..

If you are falling into the lap of boredom, depression, isolation or sadness for small reasons or just a mood swing then you must know that life is not something to be wasted on things that don't matter.   Cherish every moment and if you are nt able to, then start appreciating urself..Start talking to  urself  .., be your best friend.. Start liking urself , laugh at your mistakes and promise urself  not to repeat them...

Don't let anyone disturb the peace of your mind. Don't think of people and things that you don't like and things that don't really matter. Distract yourself. Turn a problematic situation into a funny one, and at the same time with a fresh mind think on how you should go abt it ..  You don’t need to waste your time on someone who only wants you around when it fits their..


You can always distract urself by listening to music, going out for a walk alone, paying attention to the beauty of mother nature, watching sky , talking to yourself or by doing stuff you like ..

If some 1 has made you feel sad, then you can learn to laugh at the person or situation and feel good inside. Trust me this works. If someone is talking shit about you behind your back, simply smile because you know that person has so much of time and energy to waste , ALL THINKING ABOUT U :)  and arguing with these people is like killing mosquito on your cheek..

In my language 'CUT THE SHIT OUT OF LIFE ' and live FREE.  , and even when u get hurt never let it defeat u…RATHER  u should be thankful to all those difficult people in your life who exactly showed you , WHO u dnt have to be .

it’s easy to be happy when everything seems to be going your way, but I think that defining happiness that way reduces it to a byproduct of luck, or an accident, which it is not. In fact, I think that luck is a byproduct of happiness, if I was in a particularly feisty mood ... 

Saturday 21 September 2013


I believe there are 2 phases in life. One where you enjoy allot and live your life freely, no tensions, no responsibilities, just you, your life and loads of fun and happiness. I call it the 'Life is Beautiful' phase. This exists mainly during our childhood, where our  parents take care of our needs, solve our problems and protect us from all dangers. All colors seem bright and no WORRIES . We love watching the night sky and enjoy every little detail in our life. Small problems come and go but our life moves smooth like fee flowing wind in the clear sky.
The SECOND phase comes when you grow old enough to become independent. You need to take care of yourself on your own. You need to manage money, career, health and relationships. I call it 'Life is a struggle' phase.Day and night you need to think hard of what you should do, how to rise to the top, plan your day, plan your moves, stay focused, eat healthy,exercise daily and most importantly look happy and organized in front of the whole world. When someone achieves something, you think to yourself  'WHAT M I DOING? how should I get there, am I wasting away my time?' The never ending train of thoughts keep revolving on the top of your head.You strongly feel that there is a need for direction, and once you get it you shift to the previous phase for temporarily.

I've experienced both of these phases in my life. I was self-obsessed, I enjoyed everything in life , absolutely evrythng... there everything seemed so easy .. But now things have changed. I don't like this grim reality and the place life took me, I wish I could be happy forever...

But as it goes HE do everythning for good so it turned up...

I learned that happiness comes from within..and success do come in life by doing commom things in life uncommonly Well...... Even when life plays games with you, you can stay calm and be happy.. TAKE CONTROL OF UR LIFE , And the person who manages to stay in both the phases together, I would say , has mastered the art of living. Staying cool, happy and uninfluenced by adversities are the virtues that will help you go far ahead in life. 

I am still not perfect at dealing with life.. But one thing I can say for sure, Life is a beautiful struggle.U should take it as a stroll from one struggle to another . I know this fact is hard to digest initially, but once you engrave this in your mind, nothing can ever disturb you. LIFE will still be BEAUTIFUL, and I am sure you ALWAYS WANT IT TO BE!