Friday 27 September 2013

make ur life ROCKING :p ;) :D

What if life would have never changed? ??  You would have continually been happy, sad, lazy, angry, or excited. Trust me! Life would have been awe fully monotonous which explains that changes are a must and when they don’t come inadvertently you definitely need to bring a little change in yourself or the way the things are around...

When I was in Mumbai , doing my internship, my environment was totally different from how it is now, here in college. I used to be in a win-win professional attitude, learning a variety of new skills from every other person I met. Now here in college there are no deadlines. No one is working hard for any kind of bonuses or promotions. Rather everyone is enjoying the kind of lives they want and pursuing their own additional interests.  So rather than writing on motivational stuff (which isn’t coming to my head these days) I thought writing about other amazing things in life,  that  would be a great choice.... 
Knowing what interests you is one of the best things that can happen. I have seen many people who do not know what they are passionate about and they always feel lost when they see others doing something good. Music, photography, learning how to cook, painting, working on some kind of project of your own and composing music are a few things that one can do. I picked up learning Spanish and I love it! It’s a whole new experience and being my own teacher feels really  great!
So keep on bringing modifications in your life from time to time to keep it fresh and full of fervour. And if you feel tired of something and have not found out your real interest, go ahead, try-out new things.