Monday 23 September 2013

Happiness is a Choice, So Choose It! :) :D :D

 This is LIFE !!! Hold on tight ..

If you are falling into the lap of boredom, depression, isolation or sadness for small reasons or just a mood swing then you must know that life is not something to be wasted on things that don't matter.   Cherish every moment and if you are nt able to, then start appreciating urself..Start talking to  urself  .., be your best friend.. Start liking urself , laugh at your mistakes and promise urself  not to repeat them...

Don't let anyone disturb the peace of your mind. Don't think of people and things that you don't like and things that don't really matter. Distract yourself. Turn a problematic situation into a funny one, and at the same time with a fresh mind think on how you should go abt it ..  You don’t need to waste your time on someone who only wants you around when it fits their..


You can always distract urself by listening to music, going out for a walk alone, paying attention to the beauty of mother nature, watching sky , talking to yourself or by doing stuff you like ..

If some 1 has made you feel sad, then you can learn to laugh at the person or situation and feel good inside. Trust me this works. If someone is talking shit about you behind your back, simply smile because you know that person has so much of time and energy to waste , ALL THINKING ABOUT U :)  and arguing with these people is like killing mosquito on your cheek..

In my language 'CUT THE SHIT OUT OF LIFE ' and live FREE.  , and even when u get hurt never let it defeat u…RATHER  u should be thankful to all those difficult people in your life who exactly showed you , WHO u dnt have to be .

it’s easy to be happy when everything seems to be going your way, but I think that defining happiness that way reduces it to a byproduct of luck, or an accident, which it is not. In fact, I think that luck is a byproduct of happiness, if I was in a particularly feisty mood ... 

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