Saturday 21 September 2013


I believe there are 2 phases in life. One where you enjoy allot and live your life freely, no tensions, no responsibilities, just you, your life and loads of fun and happiness. I call it the 'Life is Beautiful' phase. This exists mainly during our childhood, where our  parents take care of our needs, solve our problems and protect us from all dangers. All colors seem bright and no WORRIES . We love watching the night sky and enjoy every little detail in our life. Small problems come and go but our life moves smooth like fee flowing wind in the clear sky.
The SECOND phase comes when you grow old enough to become independent. You need to take care of yourself on your own. You need to manage money, career, health and relationships. I call it 'Life is a struggle' phase.Day and night you need to think hard of what you should do, how to rise to the top, plan your day, plan your moves, stay focused, eat healthy,exercise daily and most importantly look happy and organized in front of the whole world. When someone achieves something, you think to yourself  'WHAT M I DOING? how should I get there, am I wasting away my time?' The never ending train of thoughts keep revolving on the top of your head.You strongly feel that there is a need for direction, and once you get it you shift to the previous phase for temporarily.

I've experienced both of these phases in my life. I was self-obsessed, I enjoyed everything in life , absolutely evrythng... there everything seemed so easy .. But now things have changed. I don't like this grim reality and the place life took me, I wish I could be happy forever...

But as it goes HE do everythning for good so it turned up...

I learned that happiness comes from within..and success do come in life by doing commom things in life uncommonly Well...... Even when life plays games with you, you can stay calm and be happy.. TAKE CONTROL OF UR LIFE , And the person who manages to stay in both the phases together, I would say , has mastered the art of living. Staying cool, happy and uninfluenced by adversities are the virtues that will help you go far ahead in life. 

I am still not perfect at dealing with life.. But one thing I can say for sure, Life is a beautiful struggle.U should take it as a stroll from one struggle to another . I know this fact is hard to digest initially, but once you engrave this in your mind, nothing can ever disturb you. LIFE will still be BEAUTIFUL, and I am sure you ALWAYS WANT IT TO BE!


  1. nice..!!! :) :) looking forward to more such posts...:)

  2. Nice thoughts...!!
    Everyone of us have these thoughts in our mind.....u've just expressed them beautifully...:)
    BTW i fail to can a struggle be "Beautiful" until it has a good outcome..?

  3. i dont say that both struggle and "good outcome" should synchronize but every single one DO intrinsically teaches us many facts to make our life beautiful. :)

  4. That means in a way struggle also makes life beautiful...hardships also make life beautiful.....! :)
