Saturday 8 February 2014

Magical Wave :)

Life blesses you in its own ways… it may be a flash of magical moments or a whole lot of pure magic!!!

U may hit off as friends and stumble over love… or vice versa!!! You never know what ingredients life is serving you with, you somehow just tend to take them all without measuring the quantity. We somehow do the jugaad to end up with a correct flavor. We are all super and amazingly talented master chefs (smirk).

Sometimes the true expression of feelings is veiled by the love in sarcasms and taunts. You find yourself smiling at those silly little fights and arguments that started off as leg pulling. But then who said love should be expressed in its true nature. Well what IS the true nature of love anyway? We are our own love gurus, we conveniently fall in love being friends. The relationship is nurtured by care, adoration, taunts, late night  texting, complimenting  . . Strange it is. If asked whether you love the person, the answer flashes in a split second, NO. And who bothers if it is not love, this is so more beautiful than the obligations of love. May be this is the kid zone of love, ever blooming, ever naughty, ever mischievous, ever enthusiastic. You fall in love with the feelings this zone gives you without even knowing how long this zone may last. Well, you start feeling the reluctance in being reluctant...

Our heart sure is the most complicated thing we own, and how conveniently we lose our complexity to someone, someone who was a stranger and suddenly you know that he/she  can somehow handle this complexity for you and make it simple in a way we have never known. With the complexities simplified we break free and start surfing in the sea without an anchor and a compass. We lose ourselves in this sea with gushing waves with several other feelings we had not known when we started with it. But we humans are choosy, we sail the waves we want to. We taste some, we drink others.

Each wave has its own story, its own highs and lows. Each wave gives us a whole lot of different feeling. But eventually there comes a wave that despite its randomness sails along with you to the shore not just so soon but with all the interesting random differences it can make you experience and make your surfing worthwhile.

Thursday 9 January 2014

you are ENOUGH :)

Stop comparing yourself to others.

There are seven-billion people on this planet and only ONE you!

YOU have ZERO competition in being Yourself

Comparing yourself to others is futile, for there is really no comparison. It only ends up killing your creativity and aliveness, leaving you feeling terrible. We often think everyone else is living the dream life and that we might be failing or falling behind. This is far from reality.
The goal in life is not to be successful by someone else’s standard but by your own authentic heart’s measure. Everyone has a different destiny and life path. You never really can know what is for others. To look at someone from the outside is not a true representation of what they are really going through at their level of fulfillment.


The more you honor your uniqueness and the perfection of your life’s journey, the more you see your true self. The more you see your true self, the more beauty you will find within yourself to celebrate.
To succeed at being somebody that you are not (but think you need to be) is still a failure. But to love who you are and courageously be that fully is a life well lived.  
CONFIDENCE- is what you create within youself by believing who you are,   perhaps the easiest thing is, in fact, to be who you are, but we forget. Take pride in how far you have come, and  Have faith in how far you can go. :) 

I invite you to BE the ONE and love yourself deeply.
So, give yourself a gift today.
Stop comparing yourself to others.
Set yourself free.& DONT let anyone ever dull your sparkle